
If you have information to update and inform others on the Drug Treatment Courts in this country, please let us know.  Click on the contact button to send us a message.

Snap Shot as of 1-1-2017

  • Treatment Courts:
  • Year Started: 2003
  • Graduates:

Drug Treatment Courts Summary

An Adult Drug Court is a court that has been specically designated and staed to supervise non-violent adult drug offenders who have been found to be legally and clinically eligible to participate in a comprehensive and judicially monitored program of drug treatment and rehabilitation services. 

Drug Courts represent a very nontraditional approach to adult drug offenders who have been identified as moderate to heavy substance abusers. Drug Courts are built upon a unique partnership between the criminal justice system and the drug treatment community, one which structures treatment around the authority and personal involvement of a single Drug Court Judge. Drug Courts are also dependent upon the creation of a nonadversarial courtroom atmosphere where a single judge and a dedicated team work together toward a common goal of breaking the cycle of drug abuse and criminal behavior.

Guam’s Adult Drug Court is a voluntary program that fast tracks first time drug offenders to effciently deliver rehabilitative treatment in a judicially supervised program using sanctions and incentives. If an individual qualies for the Adult Drug Program, he/she will plead guilty to the drug offense. The Court however, defers acceptance of the guilty plea and the individual will immediately enter a drug or alcohol treatment program which must be completed within 2 years. Failure to successfully complete the program will result in a felony drug conviction and up to three years confinement at the Department of Corrections.

The Program is a four-phased intense, comprehensive, strength-based approach to substance abuse treatment 
that includes the following interventions:

  • Ongoing assessment services
  • Orientation and Psycho-Educational Groups
  • Individual, Family and Group Counseling
  • Recreational therapy and treatment intervention
  • Urinalysis testing, Saliva testing and Alcohol testing
  • Educational / Vocational / Employment / Referrals
  • Life skills program
  • Sanctions and incentives, and
  • Staffing / Weekly Court Hearings with the ADC Judge

Guam News

Pacific Daily News

Drug courts exact stiff requirements from offenders

On the topic of my last column on the Superior Court drug courts, I wish to confront a complaint I’ve heard a number of times over the last few months. That is, drug courts let drug abusers off too easily.

Read more HERE

Pacific Daily News

Drug court cases require balance in outlook

There are few topics that fuse life, love and laws together with the intensity of drug abuse and drug addiction. Countless lives and families throughout Guam, indeed throughout the world, have been devastated by the relentless ravages of this unrepentant scourge.

Read more HERE

Pacific Daily News

Drug Court is second chance to change behavior pattern

Is there such thing as a second chance in the criminal justice system? Fortunately, in Guam there is — at least for some people caught up in the underworld of drug abuse.

Read more HERE


Useful Resources

Images from Guam Drug Treatment Court