
If you have information to update and inform others on the Drug Treatment Courts in this country, please let us know.  Click on the contact button to send us a message.

Snap Shot as of 1-1-2017

  • Treatment Courts: 1
  • Year Started: 2009

AODT Courts Summary

In 2009, in the municipality of Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon (a suburb of Monterrey), Mexico’s first drug court was established. This pilot program, modeled after drug courts in the United States, has witnessed several dozen participants graduate after completing an extensive program.

This project came together through the collaboration of various stakeholders in the Mexican Criminal Justice System and numerous US government and NGO’s including the Department of State-Bureau of Narcotics Affairs (BNA), The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), American University, The Center for Court Innovation, and the Organization of American States (OAS/CICAD) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission.

Solution-Focused/Specialist Courts and Specialist Court Programs in Mexico

Listed By State / Territory

Nuevo Leon

  • Guadalupe


Mexico News

The Council of State Governments

U.S. Judges Help Set Up Mexico's First Drug Court

Five American drug court judges were on a mission to Mexico.

When the judges traveled 250 miles south of the Texas border to Monterrey to help set up Mexico’s first drug court, they wanted to do more than just the standard training for a week.

Read more HERE


Announcement of Graduation

New Drug Court Graduates in Nuevo Leon (Mexico)

Unique in its kind in Mexico, registers first positive results leavers

With the extinction of the criminal action and dismissal of the cause, effects of acquittal, four participants of the Tribunal for the Treatment of Addictions successfully concluded the program, becoming the first generation to graduate from the system.

Read more HERE.


Organization of American States

OAS Supports Expansion of Drug Treatment Courts in Mexico

More than 300 professionals from the justice and health sectors gathered in Mexico for the “Drug Treatment Courts Implementation Workshop” beginning on November 21st in Toluca, State of Mexico. 

Read more HERE.


Useful Resources

Images from Mexico Drug Treatment Courts