International Congress on Law and Mental Health

JSI handout material for
"Procedural Fairness: A Critical Component of Therapeutic Jurisprudence" presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Click on the image or the text to get the document(s).

Supporting Material

Click on the image or the text to get the document(s).

Tom Tyler, Procedural Fairness, COSCA 2011

PowerPoint given by Professor Tom Tyler in 2011

Tom R. Tyler, Ph.D., is Chair and University Professor at New York University.

Trust and Confidence in the California Courts, 2005

A Survey of the Public and Attorneys

Law as a Healing Profession: The 'Comprehensive Law Movement'

Law Review Article by Susan Daicoff, Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal

Problem-Solving Courts: A Brief Primer

Berman, Greg and John Feinblatt, Law & Policy Vol. 23, No. 2 (2001)

Therapeutic jurisprudence: Five dilemmas to ponder.

Article by Christopher Slobogin,  Psychology Public Policy and the Law

Components of Collaborative Justice Courts

Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts